As we go about each day of doing the work we must, to make a difference, enhance and improve lives, and stand up for the people who come to us for help, we are reminded that each and every one has a heritage of their own.
Everyone has a history that made them who they are and a strength of being that makes them unique. Celebrating together the unique and intertwining background of one another gives us power to overcome the injustices we encounter each day.
Celebrating Black History Month, we honour one another and remember that we are all, together, the strength of our community.
As with any challenge, knowledge is key. It can be very difficult to address what challenges you have if you don’t have enough information on what the challenge is. Whether it is a disease plaguing the body or mind, an ongoing personal struggle, or inability to settle into a new country, you need information to overcome it.
Like in mathematics, a solution to a problem is waiting for you as long as you know the formula. Once we are informed about the formula, the problem becomes much less of a threat.
Your success becomes evident, and YOU become your own HERO. MNLCT provides that formula.
– Dwayne O’Connor, Executive Director