#AskMNLCT: Helping School-Aged Children Manage Emotions

In a survey conducted in the early days of the pandemic, nearly two-thirds of youth said that their mental health had gotten worsen since the pandemic.

Children and youth are feeling worried, upset, sad, isolated, stressed, and afraid and they don’t always know who to turn to for help.

On November 30, 2021, our panelists discussed current issues for school-aged children and youth and tips for supporting themincluding:

  • Understanding common stressors for school-aged children and youth
  • Recognizing signs of mental health issues in children: changes in behaviour, mood, sleep, appetite, or relationships
  • Getting support and accessing tools and resources to manage children’s feelings and other obstacles to wellbeing


Luisa Bayona – MNLCT, Community Mental Health team
Stefany Rosemberg – MNLCT, Community Mental Health team
Viktoria Manzar – MNLCT, Communications team (moderator)

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"The Mennonite New Life Centre and its BEMC program came in very handy for me at the lowest ebb of my life by providing a lifeline and I am eternally grateful for that,”

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