Individual Counter-Human Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence Support
In partnership with Aurora House
Comprehensive case management and trauma informed services for individuals who have experienced any form of human trafficking and/or gender-based violence. In partnership with Aurora House.
The Mennonite New Life Centre offers comprehensive reintegration/rehabilitation services for women who have experienced human trafficking and gender-based violence.
Our Counter-Human Trafficking team works closely with all women who have experienced any form of human trafficking, including labour trafficking, sexual exploitation, and forced marriage. We provide comprehensive case management and trauma-informed, culturally competent services to survivors, including: intake and orientation, basic needs, safety planning, coordination and delivery of services pertaining to mental health counselling and emotional support. Referrals can be made for permanent housing, legal services, job training, life skills workshops, and assistance with educational needs.
The MNLCT in partnership with Aurora House supports the integration and well-being needs of women who have experienced any form of human trafficking and/or gender-based violence.
Aurora House strives to provide shelter, counselling, basic needs and essential support services to women who have been trafficked or exploited in Canada.
Opened in May 2016 and located in the Greater Toronto Area, this transitional house offers a safe place for women and children who would like continued support on their journey towards complete independent living.
To access free training on how you can help to address issues of human trafficking in your community, please click here.

For more information about services offered at MNLCT and Aurora House, or to make a referral

“Since I began attending LINC classes at MNLCT, my English instructor has encouraged me to pursue what I like. She has a great zest for life, which influences her students deeply.”
Carina - LINC classes
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