ED Corner | December 2023

Dear Friends,

We, as a global community, have experienced some very difficult challenges in the last few years. We’ve gotten through a pandemic, massive inflation, a housing crisis compounded by ever-increasing poverty, and now more wars.

Through all of this, we have been resilient, resourceful and caring towards one another even though the world tells us that we’re split like no time before. Our clients in and outside of the community have come to us looking to make things better – for themselves, our shared community, our shared country and for the success of our futures together.

Our organization is built on community, partners, friends and of course, family. Our staff is part of that community and works as hard for clients as they would for themselves and their own families. To ensure success, our team is incredibly committed to the success of the community through our increasingly vital services.

Our training is like no other in the community, we look at everything using a holistic approach where we see every individual as a whole person with real needs. We will continue to grow and address the needs of our community in every way possible. From assistance with immigration to full mental health support, we are here with you, to make you as successful as you wish to be.

The season of giving is upon us. During these times, many families are getting together to celebrate the holidays or to just get together to strengthen their bonds. We honour and respect all who do so and even if you don’t celebrate the season, know that you are always important to us. We are here for you.

Find our website and our mobile app to learn more, or even receive the support you need from our highly experienced and talented team.

Happy Holidays!
turquoise leafs
yellow leafs

"BREM program makes the route that you have to take to become a psychotherapist a lot easier.”

What’s Your Story

orange arches
green and orange leafs

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