ED Corner | July 2024

Dear Friends,

As we step into the second half of 2024, we continue to work for the communities we serve, and in that work, we see the accomplishments that have been made through the hard work of our team. Those accomplishments are important enough to see through completion and make even stronger.

It is our job to decrease or eliminate barriers to achieving our clients’ goals and these changes have proven to be important and, in most cases, essential to the people that need these services. We are also taking on an aspect of Artificial Intelligence to help improve our services both internally and externally. In doing so, we will be automating some of our daily tasks to free up our Information Technology department to assist our clients and staff.

As a wise man once said to me and my team, We have more in common than we have in differences. I wholeheartedly agree, and as an immigrant myself, I know that we all struggle similarly. We have varying differences in what led us to leaving our home country, whether as a refugee fleeing instability or just seeking a better life. But we all had enough drive to make the move and adapt as best we could to the new circumstances awaiting us in our new home.

We will focus on this struggle and work on making an easier pathway for other immigrants to survive, cope, and thrive. We are excited about the future and its promising possibilities.

turquoise leafs
yellow leafs

"BREM program makes the route that you have to take to become a psychotherapist a lot easier.”

What’s Your Story

orange arches
green and orange leafs

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