Yegleny’s Story: My Journey of Growth and Learning 

When I learned about the Mennonite New Life Centre, I called them and registered for their services. From that moment on, I felt very supported in settling in my new country. 

I was also enrolled in the Entrepreneurial Excellence and Leadership (EXL) program. The program allowed me to express my ideas and dream of starting a business. I am deeply grateful to MNLCT for providing me with all the information and resources that helped me achieve my goals. 

With the help of the EXL program, I began a journey that allowed me to grow and learn. I had many ideas, but with the help of the Business Model Canvas, I was able to focus and concentrate on one idea.” 

 With the support of EXL, I registered my cleaning company. I also learned valuable tools such as defining a value purpose for my business, creating a message to address an ideal client, and presence on social media. 

I will use this grant to buy a computer for my business. 

I want to thank MNLCT for the support and guidance you have given me. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow and learn with you. 

turquoise leafs
yellow leafs

“The people who work for MNLCT are not only professionals, but also have a deep sense of empathy, which is very important when dealing with newcomers.”

What’s Your Story

orange arches
green and orange leafs

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