A tale of victory and hope: Samantha’s Story 

This story was written by Samantha, a former resident of Aurora House. Samantha lived at the House from 2019 until 2020 when she found permanent housing. Her real name has been concealed to protect her identity.  

In Her Own Words 

My journey is a long one! I am one of the millions that are trafficked through international borders each year. I was referred to Aurora House after I completed a 90-day safe house program in rural Ontario through another agency. I came to Aurora House with no self-esteem, fear of not being accepted and I was very scared.   

After almost a year, I transitioned to my own place after being supported by the team. Aurora House gave me the necessary tools to help me thrive. The case manager and the house manager were a blessing to me. Both were incredibly brave and loving women who gave me the strength to move forward and gave me hope when I thought there was none left.  

My experience living in the house was so positive and if it wasn’t for the team at Aurora House, I would not be in the position I am now. I was able to reconnect with my family, I always had a chance to call – having a house phone was great and inviting them over to see my progress. To a girl the whole world left for dead, and to have a bunch of strangers take me in and show me unconditional love is the most incredible feeling in the world.  

There are no words to describe how grateful I am to Aurora House.

I want to thank all the private donors; your deeds do not go unnoticed. From Christmas gifts to gift cards to just getting some extra clothes to food, all was so helpful.  

Leaving a life of violence, abuse and control was the greatest challenge of my life and recovering took a long time but I did recover and so can others. It is a lifelong process. Today I have a loving and supportive family and new friends I met at Aurora House who encourage me in all areas of my life and treat me with only love and respect.  

Thank you so much for all your love and support, for all your dedication and kindness.

I am not a victim, but I am Victorious.

God bless all of you. You will forever be in my heart and my family.



How We Help 

The MNLCT has a long-standing partnership with Aurora House to offer comprehensive rehabilitation to individuals (residents and clients of Aurora House) who have experienced human trafficking and/or gender-based violence.  

Our Counter-Human Trafficking team works closely with all individuals who have experienced any form of human trafficking, including labour trafficking, sexual exploitation, and forced marriage. We provide comprehensive case management and trauma-informed, culturally competent services to survivors regardless of their status in Canada. The services include intake and orientation, basic needs, safety planning, coordination, mental health counselling and emotional support.  

Aurora House is a transitional home that provides shelter, long-term trauma counselling, basic needs and essential support services to individuals who have been trafficked, abused or exploited in Canada. 

Contact us for more information on how we can help, or to make referrals for housing, legal services, job training, life skills workshops, and assistance with educational needs for survivors. 

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"The Mennonite New Life Centre and its BEMC program came in very handy for me at the lowest ebb of my life by providing a lifeline and I am eternally grateful for that,”

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