My business has given me motivation: Marivian’s Story 

I came to Canada in 2018 with high expectations for work. I faced many challenges along the way, but perseverance helped me achieve one of my goals – starting my own business. 

My motivation has always been to contribute my grain of sand to this wonderful country that has opened its doors to me. 

At Toronto City Hall I met with an MNLCT worker. I immediately visited their office at Keele and Wilson and registered for their services. I received excellent attention in all areas. 

I also told them about my personal goal – to become self-employed. They enrolled me in the Entrepreneurial Excellence and Leadership (EXL) entrepreneurship program and with great support and professionalism I was guided and completed the program. 

With the guidance and support of EXL program, I registered my cleaning company “Shalom Brilliant Clean”, Canada Revenue Agency and HST accounts.”  

 Since then, I have focused on developing and applying the knowledge I gained from the entrepreneurship program. I have prepared invoice control, cost estimates, advertising, flyers, postcards, etc. I have also launched my accounts on Instagram and Facebook to promote my brand and attract my ideal clients. 

My business has given me the motivation and persistence to provide the best service to all my clients.  

The services we provide on a daily basis have helped us gain recommendations and work with clients in the long term. I currently have three employees, which allows me to serve more clients each month. 

With the grant, I would like to invest in promoting my business on social media and purchase two vacuum cleaners to make cleaning more efficient. 

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“The people who work for MNLCT are not only professionals, but also have a deep sense of empathy, which is very important when dealing with newcomers.”

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green and orange leafs

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