Essential Skills Training (Online/LMS)
Self-paced courses to develop essential skills, personal growth and career planning, employment preparation, and citizenship test preparation.

Our Available Self-Paced Courses
Below is a list of our available self-paced courses delivered through our learning management system (LMS) Moodle.
1. Essential Skills Training
- Workplace Success: Building Skills for Work – This self-paced course explores how the nine essential employability skills are important in learning, work, and everyday life. It also provides you with the knowledge to identify and enhance the skills you need for workplace success for a more successful and dynamic impact on your career.
- Workplace Skill Building for English Language Learners – This self-paced course is catered towards English language learners who are looking to build their workplace skills. Topics include nine essential job skills plus skills such as team membership, emotional intelligence, self-confidence, flexibility, feedback, resourcefulness, problem-solving and creative thinking. This course will give you the knowledge to understand and update your skills for a more successful career.
2. Personal Growth and Career Planning
- Planning for Success: Mission, Passion, and Career – This self-paced course merges the Life and Career Plan and Mission, Passion, and Career workshops. Think of it like a roadmap that helps you set goals and create a dynamic and meaningful action plan in a life full of uncertainties. You will explore and consider your personal values, strengths, skills, passions, and mission, which will help you choose a fulfilling career. This course will help you realize how to make good decisions based on the things you learn about yourself.
- Become a Self-Starter: Manage Procrastination and Meet Your Goals – In this self-paced course, you will explore what the path to success looks like and how it is defined for you. You will consider what internal and external challenges stand in your path and learn how to manage them. Specifically, you will learn about the concept of procrastination – what it is and how to address it so that you can become a self-starter. Finally, you will apply what you learn in this course to create your own actionable goals.
- Overcoming Job Search Anxiety: Managing Rejection and The Fear of Failure – In this self-paced course, you will learn about the biological reasons we feel fear and anxiety when we are called for a job interview and how the mind processes the fear of rejection. You will consider how you can overcome the fear of rejection so that it doesn’t impact your job search efforts or jeopardize your goals. Finally, you will redefine failure and implement tips to manage the fear of failure.
3. Employment Preparation
- Employment Preparation Guide: Your passport to a successful career in Canada – This self-paced course is designed to prepare newcomers in Canada to find a job by providing them with the tools and skills needed to successfully conduct job searches and submit effective job applications. Topics include job searching and writing resumes, writing effective cover letters, job interview preparation techniques, and networking and social media for your job search.
4. Citizenship Preparation
- Citizenship Test Preparation Course – This suite of 7 online Canadian citizenship courses covers and extends upon all topics delivered in Discover Canada with the perspective of social responsibility. These courses not only prepare learners to ace their citizenship test, but they also equip graduates with the knowledge and tools to become responsible Canadian citizens.

Advantages of eLearning and Self-paced Courses
Flexibility: A key advantage of on-demand eLearning is the flexibility it provides. With self-paced learning, you can decide when, where, and how much you learn at a time. With the flexibility to choose the pace and level at which you learn, you avoid the pressures of traditional learning which can help with knowledge retention as you can re-watch sessions until you are comfortable with the material.
Accessibility: Access content anytime and anywhere using your laptop, tablet, or smartphone device.
On-demand Convenience: Most of our self-paced courses have continuous enrollment which means that you can begin learning as soon as possible.
Freedom to Choose: Choose your own learning path by enrolling in the courses that are of interest to you and build the skills you want and need.
To register for these courses, please contact Bissan Soueidan:

"The Mennonite New Life Centre and its BEMC program came in very handy for me at the lowest ebb of my life by providing a lifeline and I am eternally grateful for that,”
Victor- BEMC student
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