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Get Involved

We support newcomer integration since 1983. The successes of the Centre and our clients and participants are only made possible by the generous support we receive from you.







What's Your Story?

The contributions of newcomers to Canada are many and reflect the capacity of newcomers to share with their communities their depth of experiences, knowledge and talent. We share with you these meaningful stories that highlight the integration journey of newcomers who are making a difference and the role the Mennonite New Life Centre played in shaping the lives of these individuals and their families.

Become a Community Member

If you support our mission, become a Friend of the Mennonite New Life Centre and register as a community member of our organization.
Who can be a community member?
  • Individuals over the age of 18 or other organizations or institutions previously authorized by their governing body.
  • Candidates must agree with MNLCT purpose, vision, and mission.
  • Candidates must be formally approved by MNLCT Board of Directors before becoming members.
How to join?
  • Complete and sign a membership form;
  • Pay or request to waive the $5 annual membership fee and renew your membership annually.
What are the benefits of membership?
  • Eligible to attend, speak and vote at the MNLCT Annual General Meeting.
  • Eligible to be nominated to serve on the MNLCT Board of Directors and participate in all Board Committees.
  • Receive MNLCT communications and attend our community building events and gatherings.

Join our community today!


Help us reach out to newcomers in our communities. You will be involved in helping our many programs and services succeed!


Click on the “Support Now” button and you can shop online at selected stores.

A percentage of your purchase will go toward MNLCT’s services, at no additional cost to you.

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"Before MNLCT, I felt lost. I couldn’t find a service that could help me. But now emotional knowledge has given me a freedom that I didn’t have before. My therapist helped me and gave me real advice on how to set my boundaries.”

What’s Your Story

Let us know how we can help you
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