How to Cope with Grief

Date: Saturdays, January 18, February 1, 15, March 1, 15, 29
Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: In-Person at Queen office
In Spanish | Grupo en Español

Join our 6-session support group, where you will find a safe and respectful space to express your emotions, share experiences and discover new perspectives with people who understand your process.

You have the strength and tools to overcome life’s challenges, we’re here to support you.

Únete a nuestro grupo de apoyo de 6 sesiones donde encontrarás un espacio seguro y respetuoso para expresar tus emociones, compartir experiencias y descubrir nuevas perspectivas junto a personas que comprenden tu proceso.

Tú tienes la fuerza y la sabiduría para superar los momentos difíciles, y este proceso te acompañará en el camino.

To register, please contact Fernando Gutierrez

Phone: 647-812-1332 ext. 5021

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"The Mennonite New Life Centre and its BEMC program came in very handy for me at the lowest ebb of my life by providing a lifeline and I am eternally grateful for that,”

What’s Your Story

Let us know how we can help you
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