How to Prepare for Canadian Winter

  • Thursday, February 6, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
  • In-Person (Finch office: 1122 Finch Ave West, Unit 1, North York) or Online

Need winter clothes for adults and children?

  • Jackets and sweaters
  • Hats and scarves
  • Boots and socks
  • And more!

Learn how to recognize and manage signs of frostbite and hypothermia.

  • You are welcome to come to the office from 10:30am to 3pm to see the food and clothing we have available.
  • The presentation will begin at 12pm.

Give-aways, including hygiene kits and food.

Interpretation in Spanish is available

turquoise leafs
turquoise arches
turquoise leafs

"The Mennonite New Life Centre and its BEMC program came in very handy for me at the lowest ebb of my life by providing a lifeline and I am eternally grateful for that,”

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green leafs