The MNLCT Newcomer
Support App

  In partnership with iCent

Community of Care App Now Added!

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Available in English, Arabic, Mandarin, and Spanish

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Community of Care app now added!

Available in English, Arabic, Mandarin, and Spanish

The MNLCT Newcomer
Support App

  In partnership with iCent

The MNLCT Newcomer Support App was developed in partnership with iCent – a platform for international students and newcomers – and is designed to provide virtual tools to better support immigrants and refugees who are settled or settling in Ontario.

The key features include:

  • Trustworthy information on
    • Newcomer services
    • Living in Canada, including housing, driving, school registration, food, etc.
    • Immigration
    • Legal rights
    • Employment
    • Health and recreation
    • MNLCT programs and services
  • Community of Care app
    • Understanding stress
    • Self-assessment
    • Coping strategies
    • Moving forward
    • Support network
    • Crisis lines
  • Securely upload registration documents
  • How to contact MNLCT

Upcoming features:

  • Register for upcoming workshops, events, and information sessions for our programs
  • Book appointments with our settlement and mental health teams
  • Live chat with staff

Our hope is to provide you with a wide range of programs, services, and information that will help you make Canada home!


Welcome to the MNLCT Community of Care App: Your Gateway to Community and Healthy Mental Well-being

Looking for wellness support, social connection, and growth? Download the MNLCT Community of Care app to join a 24/7 digital community for learning, sharing, reflection, and action.

How to Download the iCent App

Login Steps in English | Arabic | Mandarin | Spanish

Download the iCent App for FREE!

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"The Mennonite New Life Centre and its BEMC program came in very handy for me at the lowest ebb of my life by providing a lifeline and I am eternally grateful for that,”

What’s Your Story

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