Helping Our Newcomers Prepare for Employment Success (HOPES)

Building Strengths for Work

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Do you feel discouraged & confused about your career development, and employment prospects in Canada?

Building Strengths for Work is an online self-pace program that provides emotional support to newcomers struggling with stress or trauma, and promotes resilience, strength, and well-being at the individual and community level. We work in partnership with community groups to make services available to all newcomers.

What will you learn?

This unique employment program will help you:

  • Redefine your career, employment goals and/or explore entrepreneurship options within a new cultural context and take your first steps forward!
  • Take advantage of ongoing counselling and support from employment agencies and programs.
  • Integrate successfully into the workforce.

How does HOPES work?


Manage Culture Shock and Know Yourself

  • Learn to recognize signs of confusion, disorientation, and unease to better adjust to your new surroundings.
  • Discover how you manage transitions and identify personal qualities to support adapting to changing circumstances.

Decrease Stress and Increase Hope

  • Develop emotional and behavioural strategies to address stressors and develop a positive outlook on challenges ahead.

Clarify your Goals

  • Redefine your employment goals based on your strengths & talents, and identify barriers & areas for further development. Understand your values & beliefs, & identify your ideal work environment.

Design your Action Plan

  • Learn planning strategies & identify resources to implement your plan for successful integration in the Ontario economy toward employment and financial security.

Make Community Connections

  • Get support to continue with your job plan. Be referred to organizations & programs in the community that can help you advance toward employment.

Stay Focused

  • Take advantage of continued career advice & emotional support to stay motivated and execute your action plan.

Who is eligible?

This program will benefit newcomers who:

  • Are struggling to find employment appropriate to their education, skills, and experience; or want to develop their own business
  • Need individual support to cope with stress
  • Are looking for personal and organizational connections within the community
  • Have job-ready English communication skills (CLB 5 +)
  • Are able to commit time to each component of the program to work towards their goals
  • Are Permanent Resident, Convention Refugee, Protected Person, or CUAET Permit
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Contact us


HOPES provides individual counselling, training, coaching support to redefine your employment goals and develop positive strategies for employment and/or explore entrepreneurship options within a new cultural context.

This program will benefit newcomers who need individual support to address stress and develop coping strategies to be ready for, and to keep a job. You must be a permanent resident or convention refugee and be able to communicate in English (CLB 5+).

Referrals are internal in the organization or external from other service providers, including self-referrals.

You will need to contact the Centre (, or 647-812-1332) and attend an intake session to discuss your career and employment intentions and existing barriers. You will receive individual emotional support (online or in-person according to your needs), personalized training and coaching to re-define employment goals and strategies, and ongoing follow-up and support during the process.

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“The people who work for MNLCT are not only professionals, but also have a deep sense of empathy, which is very important when dealing with newcomers.”

What’s Your Story

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Help create an inclusive
& diverse Canada

HOPES Eligibility Test

HOPES eligibility

1. Employment

Looks like the HOPES program is for you. Please check the next question.

We are afraid the HOPES program is not for you. Please check another programs and services provided by MNLCT.  

2. Well-being

Looks like the HOPES program is for you. Please check the next question.

We are afraid the HOPES program is not for you. Please check another programs and services provided by MNLCT.  

3. English Level

Your English level meets the HOPES program requirement.  Please check the next question.

Please contact us to check your English level.

You better join our LINC or LIGHTS classes to improve your English. Please contact us to register.

4. Age

Please check the next question.

You are not eligible for the HOPES program. You must be 18 years old or older to be eligible.

5. Immigration Status

Your immigration status meets the HOPES program requirement. Please contact us to register.

Sorry, you are not eligible for the HOPES program.

Check other programs and services offered by MNLCT to find more options for you.

Please note that this Eligibility Quiz is only an informative tool that helps you understand the general program requirements. The final decision about your eligibility for the program will be made by the Admissions team after reviewing all your documentation.