How We Help

Bridge Your

All 40+ Ontario Bridge Training Programs are ON HOLD pending renewed funding from the Government of Ontario. This includes the 4 Bridging programs currently offered by the MNLCT (BREM, BEMC, BESIP, and C-Women).

If you wish to receive updates on the bridging program as soon as information becomes available, please sign up for our updates and be the first to know.

If you are an internationally trained professional and would like to continue your career in Ontario, we offer bridging programs in different industries to transition your career here. We provide the following programs and services that help you with your career and also complement your newcomer journey, such as:

  • bridging programs and resources on how to earn credentials recognized by employers
  • referrals to organizations that can provide microloans for your education
  • providing support for your living and emotional needs as you learn how to live in a new city and country
Newcomer looking for bridging program

Your Career

Your Career

Bridging Programs

The Bridge to Employment in Media and Communications (BEMC) program is a unique 6-month full-time program designed to prepare internationally trained media, marketing and communications professionals to secure meaningful employment or pursue entrepreneurship in Ontario.
The Bridge to Employment in Services for Immigrant Populations (BESIP) program provides internationally educated professionals with entry to a wide variety of positions in human/social/community services. You can transfer your skills from your previous education and/or experience to a fulfilling career helping others in need.
The Bridge to Registration & Employment in Mental Health (BREM) program supports immigrants with background in psychotherapy who wish to register with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO).
The Bridge for Immigrant Women Reskilling into IT Professions (C-Women) Program helps professionals with a technological background who identify as women to explore the IT sector in Canada. Participants gain a better understanding of Canadian job search processes and specifically Python coding. The objective of this program is to help leverage your fundamental IT skills and institutional knowledge and upskill in Python coding training.



OBTP stands for Ontario Bridge Training Program, and it is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. The OBTP registration form is a form that the applicant needs to fill in to register into the bridge program. Our staff will share with you the form once your participation has been confirmed.

The SIN number is required to work in Canada and to access government programs and benefits. OBTP (Ontario Bridge Training Program) is funded by Employment Ontario and to register the applicant in the government system, a valid SIN number is required.

No, because the bridging program is composed of several important components. Each component has a purpose and it is designed to give you the essential skills which will equip you to be aware of the labour market and demands here in Ontario.


Yes. This program is offered online, and you can join from any city in Ontario.

A requirement to participate in a bridge program is to be an Ontario resident. You are welcome to participate once you move back to Ontario. Feel free to start your application in advance.

If you are an Ontario resident and you are temporarily on a trip outside Canada, but still residing in Ontario, yes. If you are living outside Ontario, you will not be able to take the program. 

Immigration Status

Yes, naturalized citizens are eligible but not the ones who are Canadian citizens by birth. Naturalized Citizens are the ones who were born outside Canada and obtain their Canadian citizenship in Canada. 

No. Holders of a visitor visa do not qualify. Once you get the document indicating that your PR has been approved, you are welcome to apply.

No. This program is not for temporal residents. To qualify, you need to be a Permanent Resident, naturalized Canadian, Refugee claimant with a valid work permit, conventional refugee, or have CUAET status.


Yes. The eligibility requirement is to have at least two years experience outside Canada.

Yes. For the BREM, BEMC, BESIP, and C-Women programs it is required to have two years working experience from outside Canada.

Tuition Loans

Loans are provided for organizations outside MNLCT and each have their own rules. Please get in touch with the organization/program that provided you with the loan to inquire about their payment process. 

You can contact Achev Microlending or  Windmill Microlending to inquire about their loans.

BEMC participants can apply to OBPAP. Feel free to ask us for the application form.

If you are in Ontario Works, please discuss with your case worker if they can cover the tuition fee.

Seneca College, as an education institution, can issue the T2202A (Tuition and Enrollment Certificate) for tax purposes if you are enrolled in the BEMC program, and not receiving OBPAP.


OBTP stands for Ontario Bridge Training Program, and it is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. The OBTP registration form is a form that the applicant needs to fill in to register for the bridge program. Our staff will share with you the form once your participation has been confirmed.

The SIN number is required to work in Canada and to access government programs and benefits. OBTP (Ontario Bridge Training Program) is funded by Employment Ontario and in order to register the applicant in the government system, a valid SIN number is required.

No, because the bridging program is composed of several important components. Each component has a purpose and it is designed to give you the essential skills which will  equip you to be aware of the labour market and demands here in Ontario.

Please contact Service Canada to renew it.

Please contact Immigration Canada to renew it.

Credential Assessment

You can reach out to any of the following authorized centres:

Language Assessment

CLB stands for Canadian Language Benchmarks, and it is a descriptive scale of language ability in English. It provides a common Canadian framework for describing and measuring English communication for instructional and other purposes, ensuring a common basis for the development of programs, curricula, resources, and assessments tools that can be shared across Canada.

Language assessment is free for qualified applicants. You can find an authorized language assessment centre here

No, you do not. The minimum requirement to participate in any of our bridge programs is CLB 7. The validity of a CLB is two years.

Yes. If you were born outside Canada and want to participate in a bridge program, you would need to take the CLB assessment, as it is a requirement of the funder, Employment Ontario.


Once you complete the BREM program. We will give you a transcript to apply.

It is not required for the BREM program, but it would be good to have.

No. All materials will be in Moodle platform and you will be given credentials to access it.

CRPO will give you the license to work in Ontario as a Psychotherapist. Each province has their own regulations. Some will allow you to transfer your license, but you will need to check with the specific province.


You will receive the program completion certificate from MNLCT and for the courses. However, the program is more focused on getting employment than designations.

No. Our main bridge program is during the day. Some specific courses might be at night. Some mentorship sessions might be at night and/or Saturdays.

No, as this is a bridging program funded by the government, the participants need to be engaged in all components of the program.

No, it does not. However, to enroll with MNLCT you need to close your file with the other agency if the program was funded by Employment Ontario.

You will be provided with the curriculum by the instructors when it is closer to the start date of the program.


Recognized Credentials

We provide resources on how to get your credentials recognized by any educational institution in Canada.

Services for Newcomers

Individual Settlement Counselling

A variety of services to immigrants and refugees looking to settle in Canada. Services provided in English, Arabic, and Spanish.
Contact us for more information.

Microloans for Education

Financial means: we refer bridging program clients to organizations that can provide microloans for their education​.

Microloans links

Emotional Support

Individual Mental Health Counselling

Emotional support for newcomers struggling with stress or trauma, to promote resilience, strength and wellbeing at an individual and community level. Services provided in English, Arabic, Farsi, and Spanish.
Contact us for more information.

Community of Care App

A digital tool for those seeking wellness support. Keep track of your wellness levels through self-assessments, learn how stress affects your brain and body, practice coping strategies through exercises and videos, share valuable links, inspiring stories, and uplifting outcomes with peers in your community.
turquoise arches
turquoise leafs

"BREM program makes the route that you have to take to become a psychotherapist a lot easier.”

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