A New Career in Information Technology (IT) for Immigrant Women

Learn new skills for entry level IT positions

In partnership with

Join our In-Person C-Women Info Session!

Join this session to learn more about our Bridge for Immigrant Women Reskilling into IT Professions (C-Women) Program, ask questions and meet other professionals for informal networking.
The Program

The Bridge for Immigrant Women Reskilling into IT Professions (C-Women) Program supports immigrant women from all professional backgrounds in obtaining working knowledge of coding and testing to enter the IT sector.

Program Location

Available anywhere in Ontario

Program Duration

6 Months

Next Cohort Start Date

Spring 2025

“The program has given me technical knowledge and hands-on experience in Python. Within short period, I have been able to not just start coding but also develop a project that showcases my skills to employer. I have also met very talented instructors in leadership, professional communication classes.” ~ Ekaterina


Supports to help
you succeed
  • Enhanced training that will prepare you to enter the IT job market
  • Effective resume development, interview and networking skills
  • Leadership and workplace culture courses to boost your confidence and to provide you with skills to succeed in your career
  • Invitations to attend recruitment and networking events
  • Guest speaker sessions with experts from the IT industry
  • Ongoing individual support from settlement and mental health counsellors to help you overcome personal challenges
  • Free access to Office 365 throughout the program duration (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
  • Post-program support and job retention guidance
  • QA Foundations and Software Testing training
  • Flexible payment plan
Training summary


Semester 1:

  • Foundations of Canadian History and Culture
  • Leadership
  • Workplace Communication
  • Career Exploration and Planning
  • Python Coding (12 wks)


Semester 2

  • QA Foundations
  • Software Testing training
  • Career Building

Who Should Apply

Immigrant women with education/training in any field acquired outside of Canada interested in pursuing IT career in software testing.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Main education/training acquired outside of Canada: minimum of high-school education, no previous IT training required
  • Minimum 2 years of work experience outside of Canada, no previous IT experience required
  • Language proficiency: CLB 7+ (for Reading-Listening-Writing-Speaking); or the equivalencies (CELPIP 7+ or, IELTS 6+, or TOEFL 80+)
  • Legal immigration status: Naturalized Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, Convention Refugee, Refugee Claimant with Work Permit, and CUAET
  • Residence: Ontario
  • Talent for creative problem solving, logical and mathematical thinking (no formal math/science education required)
  • Motivation and availability to spend additional 2-3 hours daily on studies after classes
If you have more questions, please check our FAQs.


Complete this form
to start your process

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Ontario Bridge Training Program

This Employment Ontario program is funded
by the Government of Ontario

Our other bridging programs

C-Women Eligibility Test

C-Women eligibility

1. Immigration Status

Your immigration status meets the program requirement. Please check the next question.

You are not eligible for the bridging program. Please contact us when you receive your Work Permit.

You are not eligible for the bridging program. If your immigration status changes, please contact us.

You are not eligible for the bridging program.

Check other programs and services offered by MNLCT to find more options for you.

2. Residency

Your residency meets the program requirement. Please check the next question.

You are not eligible for the bridging program. Only those living in Ontario will be eligible.

Please contact us for further assistance and potential options.

Contact Khushbu at 1-647-812-1332 ext. 5300 or email bridging@mnlct.org.

3. English Language Proficiency

Your language scores meet the program requirement. Please check the next question.

Please contact us for further assistance and potential options.

Contact Khushbu at 1-647-812-1332 ext. 5300 or email bridging@mnlct.org.

If you don’t have a valid Language Assessment, you may contact your nearest organizations for a free test here

4. Education

Your education meets the program requirement. Please check the next question.

You are not eligible for C-Women. You need to have main education (minimum high-school) outside Canada to be eligible.

Check other programs and services offered by MNLCT to find more options for you.

You might be eligible, please contact us.

Contact Khushbu at 1-647-812-1332 ext. 5300 or email bridging@mnlct.org.

5. Work Experience

Your work experience meets the program requirement.

Please contact us for further assistance and potential options.

Contact Khushbu at 1-647-812-1332 ext. 5300 or email bridging@mnlct.org.

You are not eligible for C-Women. You need to have minimum of 2 years work experience outside of Canada to be eligible.

Check other programs and services offered by MNLCT to find more options for you.

Please note that this Eligibility Quiz is only an informative tool that helps you understand the general program requirements. The final decision about your eligibility for the program, will be made by the Admissions team after reviewing all your documentation.

All 40+ Ontario Bridge Training Programs are ON HOLD pending renewed funding from the Government of Ontario. This includes the 4 Bridging programs currently offered by the MNLCT (BREM, BEMC, BESIP, and C-Women).

If you wish to receive updates on the C-Women bridging program as soon as information becomes available, please sign up for our updates and be the first to know.